1 开展农村宅基地有偿使用是我国土地使用制度上的一项重要改革,值得重视。但据了解,在一些试点的乡(镇),宅基地有偿使用费由土管所(站)按一定比例提取工本费,剩下的全部交给村里自己掌管,由于不实行专户储存,缺乏监督,资金被挪作它用的现象时有发生,群众对此意见很大。为了管好用好这项资金,使之发挥应有的效益,笔者以为:(1)尽快由财政部和国家土地局联合制订全国性的《农村宅基地有偿使用费管理办法》,省、县相应制订出具体的实施细则,以便有法可依。(2)有偿使用费应实行专户储存、乡管村用、财政部门审批、土地部门监督的原则,以乡(镇)为单
1 To carry out the paid use of rural house sites is an important reform of China’s land use system, which deserves attention. However, it is understood that in some pilot townships (towns), the fee for use of house sites is paid in a certain percentage by the land administration (station) and all the rest is handed over to the village itself for lack of supervision due to the lack of special account storage The phenomenon that funds have been diverted for other purposes has occurred from time to time. The people have great opinions about this. In order to manage and make good use of this fund so as to bring its benefits into full play, the author thinks: (1) As soon as possible by the Ministry of Finance and the State Land Administration jointly formulated the “Measures for the Management of Paid Use Charges in Rural Homestead”, provincial and county Corresponding to develop specific implementation details, so that there is law to follow. (2) The fee for use shall be subject to the principle of special account storage, administration of township and village, examination and approval of the financial department and supervision of the land department, taking the township (town) as the single