一年前,这里还是危棚林立、破烂不堪的“垃圾王国”;如今已披上了雍容典雅的新装:一幢幢标准厂房拔地而起,职工宿舍和娱乐场所井然有序,通道分区一目了然,林木绿化初具规模,这就是温州有名的鞋业基地——双桥工业区。 双桥何以在如此短的时间内发生根本性的变化呢?个中奥秘,耐人寻味。我们踏上这块热土,深深感受到温州人创业的生机和气象。 温州·鞋业·双桥 温州人头脑活络、吃苦耐劳、善于经营,是不争的事实。一时间,曾有多少温州人离乡背井、浪迹天涯,创造了一个个“奇迹”:从最早冲破“禁区”走出联户经营的路子到最早探索出中国特色的股份制,从率先在全国各地安营扎寨继而诞生了成百上千个“温州村”,直到“温州货”抢滩各地市场遍销海内外,哪一项桂冠都不是被温州人摘得。二十世纪最后二十年的中国经济,温州人绘写了浓笔重彩。“第一次创业”使温州人富甲一方,名闻天下。
A year ago, there was still a dilapidated and dilapidated “junk kingdom”; now it has been donned with grace and elegant new clothes: standard buildings stand upright, staff quarters and entertainment venues are organized, and zoning at a glance, Forest green take shape, which is well-known footwear base in Wenzhou - Shuangqiao Industrial Zone. Why double bridge in such a short period of time a fundamental change in it? A mystery, thought-provoking. We embark on this piece of land, deeply felt the vitality and weather of Wenzhou entrepreneurship. Wenzhou shoe Shuangqia Wenzhou people mind, hard-working, good at management, is an indisputable fact. For a time, how many Wenzhou people left their hometown and created a “miracle” one after another: From the earliest break through the “restricted area” out of the joint-stock operation to explore the first joint-stock company with Chinese characteristics, from the first in all corners of the country camp Hundreds of “Wenzhou Village”, until “Wenzhou goods” beach all over the world at home and abroad, which is not a title won by Wenzhou. In the last two decades of the twentieth century, the Chinese economy painted a thick pen. “The first venture” to make Wenzhou a rich man, world famous.