Over the past 20 years, all kinds of communications satellites launched by various countries in the world have adopted traveling wave tubes. However, in recent years, the United States has and will adopt solid-state power amplifiers on some military communications satellites and domestic communications satellites (see issue 2 of the article “Traveling Wave Tubes Used in Communication Satellites in Various Countries in the West”). Compared with TWTs, the low-voltage operating characteristics of solid-state microwave devices, as well as their long life and high reliability, enhance the advantages of its application on satellites. With the improvement of efficiency and power synthesis technology, solid-state microwave power devices will be widely used in some frequency bands. Some people think that abroad, 20 gigahertz following small and medium-power (10 watts) solid-state microwave devices are likely to gradually replace the star uplink wave tube. As for the solid-state microwave devices can replace the traveling wave tube, currently there is still controversy abroad. A series of articles selected for this issue try to reflect their development trend from different aspects.