朝小颜要和大家通报一下,这期来信那真是相当的多,相当的精彩,偶和啦姬瞳公主一连看了N天N夜呢,呵呵,有点夸张噢:)有些同学为了得到朝颜JJ的亲笔签名(这个偶强烈支持)、有些同学为了得到S.H.E《真名天女摘星纪实》、有些同学为了得到林俊杰的最新海报,当然有更多的同学是为了积极参与活动,就把自己一直珍藏在心底的小秘密出卖给偶了,不过,大家放心吧,姐姐一定会为大家保密滴 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄哎呀,大家的故事真得如同偶像剧般浪漫+爆笑,现在偶像剧上演啦——★以下刊登得读者将得到朝小颜编编送出的S.H.E《真名天女摘星纪实》一本,另外有30名同学得到参与奖“RAIN+林俊杰最新海报4张”。鼓掌!!!希望大家积极参与下期哦!本期主题——第一次牵手、KISS……
Xiaoyan was going to tell you about it. It was quite a lot of letters from this period, and it was quite wonderful. Even the princess was even watching N days and N nights. Oh, a bit exaggerated. JJ’s autograph (strongly supported by this pair), some students in order to get SHE’s “Real Name and Women’s Facts,” and some students in order to get the latest Lin Junjie poster, of course, there are more students who are actively participating in the activities and keep their own collections. In the bottom of my heart, the secret is sold to my husband. However, everyone can rest assured that my sister will secretly keep secrets for everyone. The story of everyone is really like a romantic drama + hilarious. Idol plays are now performed. Readers will receive a copy of SHE’s “Real Name of Heavenly Girl” published by Xiao Xiaoyan, and another 30 students will receive the participation award “RAIN+Jin Junjie’s latest posters”. Applause!!! I hope everyone will actively participate in the next issue! This issue - the first time, KISS......