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4月25日,美国总统奥巴马来到西弗吉尼亚州,参加当月早些时候在矿难中死亡的29名矿工悼念仪式。3月28日,中国山西王家岭煤矿发生矿难,38人遇难。而在4月12日中美元首会谈中,奥巴马主动提议与会者为两国矿难遇难者默哀。上海《东方早报》翻译发表了奥巴马在悼念仪式上的发言,文章开头,总统大声念出了29个人的名字,这是对生命的尊重。本刊选摘了发言稿的部分内容,与读者分享。 On April 25, US President Barack Obama came to West Virginia to attend the memorial service of 29 miners who died in the mine earlier in the month. On March 28, a mine disaster occurred in Wangjialing Mine in Shanxi Province, China, killing 38 people. In the April 12 summit of the heads of state between the two countries, Obama volunteered that participants should observe the tribulations of the victims of the two countries. Shanghai Oriental Morning Post translated and published Obama’s speech at the memorial service. At the beginning of the article, the president read aloud the name of 29 people, which is respect for life. Selected articles selected part of speech, share with readers.
该研究采用珍稀植物猬实的茎节段为外植体,通过丛生芽诱导建立了高效的离体培养及快速繁殖体系.丛生芽诱导的最适培养基是MS+4.44 μM 6-BA+0.54 μM NAA,其次是MS+4.44 μM
[目的]研究不同鹅种胚胎期和生长早期胸肌和腿肌中IGF-I mRNA的表达规律及其与体重的相关性分析.[方法]选择生长速度差异较大的太湖鹅和皖西白鹅为试验模型,采用多重荧光竞争