对连续油管进行了摩阻和受力分析。为尽可能减少测量误差,对水平井数据进行了最小二乘平滑处理;为便于数值计算,又进行了三次样条函数插值,把水平井各离散点数据转化为在整个井深具有C~2连续的分段连续曲线;建立了空间曲线井眼轨迹管柱摩阻模型,对模型进行处理后得出分段微分方程,采用四阶 Lunge— Kutta法求解该方程,进而得出管柱各截面的力、力矩和内力。
Coiled tubing was subjected to friction and force analysis. In order to reduce the measurement error as much as possible, the horizontal well data is smoothed by least squares. In order to facilitate the numerical calculation, cubic spline function interpolation is also carried out to convert the discrete data of the horizontal well into C ~ 2 continuous , The sectional friction curve of wellbore trajectory is established. The model is processed to obtain the piecewise differential equation. The fourth-order Lunge-Kutta method is used to solve the equation, Force, torque and internal force.