一、历史回顾 军队的电影工作,始于1938年秋八路军总政治部成立“延安电影团”,它是人民政权下人民电影事业的新起点,也是人民军队电影放映的起始。它与1946年10月、1946年底相继成立的晋察冀军区政治部电影队和东北部队政治部电影队都是以师傅带徒弟的方式培训放映员。而后,1946年~1947年东北电影制片厂举办了第一、第三期训练班。经培训的60多名放映技术人员,积极投入了解放战争各个战场的军队电影放映工作。在艰苦的抗日战争和解放
I. Historical Review The work of the military’s film started in the autumn of 1938 with the establishment of the Yan’an Film Corps by the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army. It was a new starting point for the cause of the people’s film under the power of the people and was also the beginning of the film screening by the People’s Army. It is with the 1967 October, 1946 by the end of the establishment of the political commissar of the political commissar of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei military unit and the northeast army Political Department film team are training apprentices with the apprentice way. Then, from 1946 to 1947, Northeast Film Studio held the first and third training courses. The trained more than 60 projection technicians have actively participated in the screening of military films on all battlefields for the liberation war. In the arduous war of resistance against Japan and the liberation