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太阳一出来,地上就像冒出了火。我热得口干舌燥,便央求爷爷买了两个大西瓜。回到家,我立马把西瓜搬到桌上,一边招呼着全家,一边手举刀落,“咔嚓”一声,西瓜裂开了。瓜瓤又沙又红,太诱人了。我拿起一块,狼吞虎咽地吃起来。啊,太甜了!当伸手拿第二块时,厅内笑声一片,妈妈笑得前仰后合,奶奶笑得流出眼泪。我到镜子 As soon as the sun comes out, the ground is like a fire. I was so thirsty, I begged my grandfather bought two large watermelons. Back home, I immediately moved the watermelon to the table, while greeting the whole family, while hand-held knife, “click” "watermelon cracked. Melon and sand and red, too tempting. I picked up a piece, gobble up to eat. Ah, too sweet! When the second hand reach for the second piece, the room a laugh, my mother smiled admiration, Grandma laughed tears. I’m in the mirror