经过三年的调查和化验,巴拿马家禽养殖部门近日宣布,该国没有发现一起家禽受纽卡斯尔病 (Newcastle)感染的病例,因此今年巴拿马家禽出口有望获得向美国市场进军的通行证。 巴拿马全国家禽养殖协会和农牧业开发部是专门负责调查家禽是否感染传染性很高的纽卡斯尔病的机
After three years of investigation and testing, the Panamanian poultry farming department announced recently that no poultry was found to have Newcastle-infected poultry in the country. This year, Panama’s poultry exports are expected to receive permits to enter the U.S. market. Panama National Poultry Breeding Association and Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development Department is responsible for investigating whether poultry infected with highly infectious Newcastle disease machine