浙江省温岭市地处沿海,每年台风频发,采用塑料薄膜连栋大棚栽培葡萄,能有效改善葡萄种植的小气候,促进葡萄早熟,提高果实品质,每667 m2收入在1万元以上,成为当地沿海农民迅速致富的一大产业。为了克服传统栽培技术中存在的缺陷,创新出操作方便、通风透光、病害少、省工、低成本的省力化促早栽培技术,与传统栽培技术相比,平均每667 m2可节省成本2 238元,平均每667 m2效益增加10 638元,增效十分显著。
Wenling City, Zhejiang Province is located in the coastal areas, frequent typhoons every year, the use of plastic film greenhouse cultivation of grape, can effectively improve the microclimate of grape cultivation, promote grape precocity and improve fruit quality, income per 667 m2 in 10,000 yuan or more, a local Coastal farmers quickly become rich in a big industry. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional cultivation techniques, innovating the labor-saving and early-culture techniques with convenient operation, ventilation and light, less disease, labor-saving and low cost, the average saving per 667 m2 can be saved 2 238 yuan, an average increase of 10638 yuan per 667 m2 efficiency, efficiency is very significant.