“办证”犹如可怕的“皮肤病”,在全国许多城市滋生蔓延,脸面疮痍凄景随处可见。无论是火车站、汽车站牌、电话亭、新装修大厦和花岗岩墙面上,还是学校、机关的围墙上,甚至公厕墙上、大街小巷气 角角落落…… “办证”不仅仅污染了环境,更严重的是它污染了人的心灵,导致
“Accreditation” like a terrible “skin disease” in many cities across the country to breed and spread, facial sores Despicable everywhere. Whether it is the railway station, bus stop, telephone booths, newly renovated buildings and granite walls, or schools, the walls of the authorities, and even the walls of public toilets, streets and alleys corner ... ... “not only pollute the environment” More serious is that it pollutes the human mind, leading to