西方工业国为了摆脱对石油、特别是进口石油的依赖,目前正在加紧对煤的液化进行研究试验。日本1974年就把煤的液化作为开发新能源计划的一个组成部分。随后又成立了新能源综合开发机构,对煤的液化技术进行研究试验。 1979年7月,美国前总统卡特提出10年内耗资880亿美元发展合成燃料的计划,而煤的液化工程是这项计划的核心。在北达科他州的密苏里河谷地带,美国第一个大规模生产合成燃料的工厂正在兴建。美国、日本和西德有一项联合研制煤炭液化计划,研制费为7亿美元,争取1985年投入商品化生产。在煤炭液化的研制中,美国的技术目前领先。它采用的液化技术,一是高温分解法,二是间接液化法,三是直接液化法,而主要是使用直接液化法。据美国石油研究所的报告说,直接液化法在实验中,约有70—90%的煤炭被转化为质量较高的液体燃料。但这种方法
In order to get out of dependence on oil, especially imported oil, the western industrialized countries are now stepping up research on the liquefaction of coal. Japan in 1974 liquefied coal as part of a plan to develop new energy sources. Subsequently, a new comprehensive energy development agency was set up to conduct research on coal liquefaction technology. In July 1979, former U.S. President Carter put forward a plan to spend a total of 88 billion U.S. dollars on the development of synthetic fuels within 10 years. Liquefaction of coal is the core of this project. In the Missouri Valley in North Dakota, the United States is building its first large-scale production of synthetic fuels. The United States, Japan and West Germany have jointly developed a coal liquefaction plan with a research and development fee of 700 million U.S. dollars for the commercialization of production in 1985. In the development of coal liquefaction, the technology of the United States is currently leading. It uses the liquefaction technology, one pyrolysis method, the second is the indirect liquefaction method, the third is the direct liquefaction method, and the main is the use of direct liquefaction. According to the report of the American Petroleum Institute, in the direct liquefaction process, about 70-90% of the coal is converted to higher quality liquid fuels in the experiment. But this method