顾家坡墓地是湖北省第一次完整揭露的一处史前时代的墓地 ,共发现墓葬 2 37座 ,时代为大溪文化晚期到屈家岭文化时期 (距今约 5 30 0年~ 4 6 0 0年 )。通过研究作者注意到 :一定数量的多人二次合葬墓 ;6 0 %左右的男性随葬有石钺 ,有的还同时随葬有骨镞 ,却没有见到石质生产工具用于随葬的情形 ;有的人可能是弓箭的受害者 ;可能存在猎头的现象。综合以上现象 ,以及与周围地区大致同时代的墓地的对比 ,作者认为 ,部落冲突的现象在史前时代是确实存在的 ,而文化交叉地带的部落冲突又远远激烈于文化中心地带。
Gujiapo Cemetery is the first complete necropolis in Hubei Province. A total of 27 tombs were discovered during the period from the late Daxi culture to the Qujialing period (about 530 ~ 460 years ago) 0 years). Through the study, the author noticed that there were a number of second graves, more than 60% of the men were buried stone scallops, and some of them were buried with bones at the same time. However, no stone production tools were found for burial purposes. Some people may be victims of bows and arrows; there may be the phenomenon of headhunting. To sum up the above phenomena and the comparison with the roughly contemporary cemetery in the surrounding area, the author believes that the phenomenon of tribal conflicts existed in prehistoric times and that tribal clashes in cultural cross-sections were far behind in the cultural center.