鼠标指向,点击,座位已经订好了。在美国,提供网上订餐服务的餐馆数目正在急剧膨胀。如对此感兴趣,请访问各美食网站。只需一部电脑和一张信用卡,就可全天订座。即便你并非名流或常客,也不是厨师的朋友,照样能和他们平起平坐地在知名食府用餐。 已经有22家预约机构访
Mouse point, click, the seat has been set. In the United States, the number of restaurants offering online ordering services is rapidly expanding. If you are interested, please visit the food website. Just a computer and a credit card, you can book all day. Even if you are not a celebrity or a frequent visitor, nor a chef’s friend, you can still eat well-known restaurant with them. There are already 22 appointment agencies visited