安全生产中也存在着“假冒伪劣”,表现在: 其一,做表面文章,摆花架子,个别单位热衷于搞各种名目的规章制度、数字图表,搞各式各样的不切实际的活动,目的不是为了让这些规章制度、安全活动深入生产一线、执行到班组个人,只是作为一种冠冕堂皇的装饰物,应付上级领导的检查。这样一来,尽管规章制度、安全措施一样样地制订,花样百出的活动一次次搞
There are also “fake and shoddy” in safety production, as follows: First, to make superficial essays, put flowers on racks, and individual units are keen to engage in various rules and regulations, digital charts and engage in a variety of unrealistic activities , The purpose is not to make these rules and regulations, safety activities in-depth production line, the implementation of the team to individuals, just as a sounding decorations to deal with the inspection of the higher authorities. In this way, despite the rules and regulations, safety measures are formulated in the same way, a large number of activities repeated