针对地月空间探测任务的高风险、高成本,提出了利用微纳卫星完成地月空间环境监测、未知空间探索及地月空间动力学验证的方案,从而为未来建立地月空间运输系统建立良好基础。借助地月空间三体动力学和小推力轨道设计中的直接法,设计了针对微纳卫星的低能耗地月转移方案。结果表明:微纳卫星借助火箭上面级,从GEO轨道出发飞向L1点Halo轨道,所需速度增量为1.033 km/s,转移时间为40.02 d;不借助火箭上面级,所需速度增量为1.397 5 km/s,转移时间为48.7 d。
In view of the high risk and cost of the geo-lunar exploration mission, a scheme of using the micro-nano satellite to complete the monitoring of the geo-moon space, the unknown space exploration and the geo-spatial dynamics verification is proposed, so that the establishment of the geo-spatial transportation system in the future can be well established basis. With the help of the direct method in three-body dynamics of geo-lunar space and small thrust trajectory design, the low-energy land-to-moon transfer scheme for micro-nano satellite was designed. The results show that the micro-orbiting satellites fly from the GEO orbit to the Halo orbit L1 with the aid of the rocket upper stage, the required speed increment is 1.033 km / s and the transfer time is 40.02 d. Without the rocket upper stage, the required speed increment 1.397 5 km / s, the transfer time is 48.7 d.