SK公司开发成功一种新式间接工艺生产超低硫柴油(ULSD)。其技术关键是在加氢脱硫 (HDS)前采用双吸附床技术对进料进行脱氮化合物处理。进料经脱氮化合物预处理后 ,即可在较缓和的工况条件下进行加氢处理。 由SK公司研究发展部与Grace Davison公司共
SK has successfully developed a new indirect process for the production of ULSD. The key technical point is to treat the feedstock with a denitrification compound using dual bed technology prior to HDS. After the feed is pretreated with the denitrogenation compound, the hydrotreatment can be carried out under mild conditions. By SK Research and Development Department and Grace Davison company