近年来,随着市场体制的逐步建立和完善,民众的理财意识和金融风险意识也待增强。特别是一些年轻人,因为他们面临的是越来越不稳定的职业、变化极快的社会角色、高消费的社会时尚。如果不善于理财又缺乏承担金融风险的能力,那就很可能常处于经济的困窘之中。对此,专家们建议: 一、要了解自己承担风险的程度。 因为,任何人在承受风险时都有
In recent years, with the gradual establishment and improvement of the market system, people’s financial awareness and awareness of financial risks also need to be strengthened. Especially some young people, because they are facing increasingly unstable jobs, rapidly changing social roles and high-spending social fashion. If not good at financial management and the lack of financial risk taking ability, it is likely to often be in economic embarrassment. In this regard, experts suggest: First, we must understand their own risk level. Because, anyone is at risk