美国《华尔街日报》日前以显著标题赞誉宏碁电脑正成为“全球个人电脑的重镇与亚洲厂商的领导者”,同时宏碁电脑已让亚洲的高科技领域刮目相看。 十二月一日的《华尔街日报》用二分之一的版面大幅报道了宏碁电脑近年取得的成就与致胜的原因。该报指出,宏碁电脑正在为竞争美国市场加紧冲刺,它是第一个能在当与美国PC巨人短兵相接的亚洲厂商,甚至连其美国竞争对手也不得不承认该公司全球PC重量级选手的地位。
The US “The Wall Street Journal” recently praised Acer Computer as a “world leader in PCs and Asian manufacturers” with remarkable titles. At the same time, Acer Computer has made Asia’s high-tech fields impressive. The Wall Street Journal on December 1 used one-half of the pages to report the successes and achievements of Acer Computer in recent years. The newspaper pointed out that Acer Computer is stepping up its efforts to compete in the US market. It is the first Asian company to be able to connect with the US PC giants. Even its US competitors have to admit the company’s position as a global PC heavyweight. .