圆柱壳结构在各种工程建设中是一种广泛采用的结构形式 .而柱壳结构在外压作用下往往发生失稳屈曲破坏 ,在经济上造成极大的损失 .对于这类问题的分析 ,如果采用一般有限元法 ,无论在壳体几何形状模拟 ,还是失稳位形描述都将遇到难以克服的困难 .提出的半解析柱壳有限条元法 ,保证了壳体离散时几何形状表示上与实际结构相一致 ,并且具有失稳位形描述简单、计算自由度少、精度高、机时省等优点
Cylindrical shell structure in a variety of engineering construction is a widely used form of structure, while the cylindrical shell structure under external pressure tends to instability buckling damage, resulting in great economic losses.For such problems analysis, if Using the general finite element method, it is difficult to overcome both the geometric simulation of the shell and the description of the unstable shape. The proposed semi-analytical finite-element method for the shell of the shell ensures that when the shell is discrete, the geometric representation Consistent with the actual structure, and has the advantages of simple description of the unstable shape, less computing freedom, high precision, saving time and so on