我厂低压铸造均用金属模,过去采用石墨粉+机油和氧化锌+水玻璃两种涂料,使用很不方便。模具需预热到一定温度才能涂料或喷料。石墨粉机油涂料只能一笔一笔地涂刷,且不均匀。如165柴油机缸盖的上模由15块模片组合,要拆开来一片片预热、涂料、烘干、冷却、装配调整合模上架,再预热才能压注。模具温度高了低了都上不好涂料,连续压注中途又不便于补充涂料。有时由于涂料烘烤不透产生气孔。氧化锌涂料粘模力强,清理模具费工费力,损耗也大。 后来,我们从气焊时燃烧不完全的乙炔焰碰到金属板,生成一层极细腻的黑色覆盖层得到启
I plant low-pressure die casting are used in the past using graphite + oil and zinc oxide + water glass two coatings, the use of very inconvenient. Mold to be preheated to a certain temperature to paint or spray material. Graphite powder coating can only brush one by one, and uneven. For example, the upper die of 165 diesel engine cylinder head is composed of 15 die pieces, and a piece of film is to be disassembled to be preheated, painted, dried, cooled, and assembled and adjusted. Low mold temperature are not good on the paint, continuous pressure injection is not easy to add half-way paint. Sometimes due to imperfect baking paint hole. Strong adhesion of zinc oxide coating, mold cleaning laborious effort, loss is also large. Later, we gas from the incomplete combustion of acetylene flame hit the metal plate, to generate a very delicate black cover get Kai