2009年2月25日,美籍华人骆家辉(Gary Faye Locke)被奥巴马任命为商务部部长,成为新一届政府14位内阁部长中的第二位华裔部长。尽管此前奥巴马提名商务部长两度受挫,但选择前华盛顿州州长骆家辉仍为奥巴马赢得不少分数。白手起家、靠实干获取信任的骆家辉不仅符合新总统的执政理念与风格,更符合美国面临的国内外新环境。骆家辉的成功代表着华裔参政的成功,能赢得这份殊荣不仅是他个人努力的结果,更与美国社会包容、中国崛起等因素息息相关。
On February 25, 2009, Chinese-American Gary Faye Locke was appointed by Obama as Minister of Commerce and became the second Chinese-American minister in the government’s 14 cabinet ministers. Despite the previous setback for Obama’s nomination of Commerce Minister, Locke, the former governor of Washington, still won a lot of points for Obama. Starting from scratch and gaining trust through hard work, Locke not only conforms to the new president’s concept of governance and style, but also meets the new domestic and international environment the United States faces. The success of Locke represents the success of Chinese participation in politics. To win this award is not only the result of his personal efforts, but also is closely linked to factors such as social inclusion in the United States and the rise of China.