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自从1985年7月1日《新药审批办法》实施以来,我国新药研制水平有了明显提高。根据卫生部药政局印发的新药品种研料汇编,对1987~1995年近八年审批的中药新药进行了具体分析。1987~1995年卫生部审嵟幸┬乱叮埃犯觯谑可现鹉瓿试龀で魇啤0次謇嘁┓郑阂焕嘁梗陡觯嘁玻犯觯嘁玻常锤觯睦鄭药246个,五类药1个,四类并五类药3个,其中三、四类最多,共占总数的79.0%;按药材、原料与制剂分:嵵幸┎模罚父觯弦玻哺觯梢担埃犯觯渲腥⑺睦喑梢┏试黾忧魇疲话醇列头郑海担埃犯龀梢┲校诜骸⒔簫囊、颗粒剂、片剂最多,微丸、膜剂、气雾剂、注射剂等较少;按功效分类:1987~1994年以补益剂、清热剂、理血剂为主:从治疗的病证分析:各种分布不均匀,以内科高热证、虚证和肺系病证用药为多,妇科、儿科、外嵖啤⑽骞倏平仙佟 Since the implementation of the “Approval Methods for New Drugs” on July 1, 1985, the level of research and development for new drugs in China has improved significantly. According to the compilation of new drug varieties published by the Bureau of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health, a detailed analysis of the new Chinese medicines approved in the past eight years from 1987 to 1995 was carried out. From 1987 to 1995, the Ministry of Health examined the situation, and the Ministry of Health investigated the crimes of guilty crimes. There were 246 Zhengpeng, Changmei, Zhengzhou, five types of drugs, three types of drugs and four types of drugs, among which three or four types were the most common, accounting for 79.0% of the total; according to medicinal materials, raw materials and Formulations: Lucky Fortunately Punctured Parents, Chords, Glasses, Nursing, Tips, Thieves, Fighting, Relief, Relief (7) 睦喑 ┏ ┏ 黾 黾 黾 黾 黾 郑 郑 郑 郑 郑 郑 郑 郑Schools 13. Most of crops, granules, tablets, pellets, films, aerosols, injections, etc.; according to efficacy classification: from 1987 to 1994 to benefit agents, heat agents, blood agents for Main: analysis of the syndromes from the treatment: uneven distribution of various types of internal medicine, high fever syndrome, deficiency syndromes, and lung disease syndromes, gynecology, pediatrics, and foreign beer (10) 骞倏平仙佟
“暖闻”栏目准备从三则新闻中选取一则来引导读者用温暖的眼光来看待社会。  我认为,老父亲与医生儿子的一面之难最温暖人心,更符合“暖闻”栏目。  温暖如冬日里的暖阳,驱逐寒冷的同时,也带来明亮,带来暖和,更重要的是,它能给人们带来对春天的期望,对未来的希望。而老父亲和儿子的一面,恰恰有着不仅限于带来温暖和感动的作用。  乍一看,老父亲和儿子的一面之难是何其冰冷啊。家庭是社会的小单位,是每个人心灵的栖