株洲市枫溪大桥是跨越湘江的一座特大城市桥梁,为主跨300 m的自锚式悬索桥。该文简要介绍了其设计思路,并对其两个关键技术问题:(1)超高性能轻型组合梁的设计;(2)新型悬索桥主缆防腐保护系统进行了研究。
Zhuzhou City Fengxi Bridge is a mega-city bridge across the Xiangjiang River, the main span of 300 m self-anchored suspension bridge. This paper briefly introduces its design ideas, and its two key technical issues: (1) design of ultra-high performance lightweight composite beams; (2) new suspension bridge main cable corrosion protection system.