目的探讨煤矿井下流动工人的高危性行为发生状况及安全感等因素对高危性行为影响。方法于2011年5—6月采用自编的高危性行为相关问卷、马斯洛安全-不安全感问卷、大五简式人格量表对河北少开滦矿业集团4个煤矿1 636名井下流动工人进行问卷调查。结果 1 636名调查对象中有307名工人有高危性行为,发生率为18.8%;发生高危性行为的主要原因是生理需要,占55.4%(170/307),孤独寂寞占34.5%(106/307),找刺激占25.7%(79/307),同伴影响占16.6%(51/307);流动工人高危性行为发生地主要是在外出打工地,占60.3%(185/307),其次是外出打工地和家乡,占22.8%(70/307);每次发生高危性行为时均使用避孕套的比例较低,占24.4%(75/307),有时用的占20.2%(62/307),而从不使用的占55.4%(170/307);多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果表明,煤矿流动工人发生高危性行为的影响因素为居住情况、安全感、人格特征严谨性得分和回家频率。结论煤矿井下流动工人高危性行为发生率较高,与其安全感和人格相关。
Objective To explore the impact of factors such as the occurrence of high-risk behaviors and the sense of security on the high-risk behaviors of underground mobile workers in coal mines. Methods From May to June 2011, a total of 1 636 downhole flows from 4 coal mines in Hebei Kailuan Mining Group were collected using self-compiled questionnaire about high-risk sexual behavior, Maslow’s Safety-Insecurity Questionnaire and Big Five’s simple personality questionnaire. Workers conduct questionnaires. RESULTS: Of the 636 respondents, 307 had high-risk sexual behaviors with a rate of 18.8%. The main causes of high-risk sexual behaviors were physical needs, accounting for 55.4% (170/307), lonely and lonely (34.5% 307), 25.7% (79/307) looking for stimulus, and 16.6% (51/307) looking for stimulus. Migrant workers were mainly working in high-risk areas (60.3% (185/307)), followed by 22.8% (70/307) of them migrated to workplaces and their home towns, 24.4% (75/307) used condoms each time they had high-risk sexual behaviors, and occasionally used 20.2% (62/307 ), But never used 55.4% (170/307). The multivariate non-conditional logistic regression analysis showed that the influencing factors of high-risk sexual behavior of migrant workers in coal mines are the living conditions, the sense of security, Home frequency. Conclusion The high incidence of high-risk sexual behaviors among underground miners is related to their sense of security and personality.