2000年3月1日上午,“中国减灾与经济发展(部长)论坛”在中国大饭店隆重举行。会场内座无虚席,200多位来自全国各地的减灾部门、科研单位和大专院校的专家学者们汇聚一堂,共同研讨中国的减灾与经济发展问题。 大会由中国灾害防御协会秘书长许厚德主持,全国政协副主席,中国灾害防御协会会长李贵鲜致开幕
On the morning of March 1, 2000, China Forum on Disaster Reduction and Economic Development (MII) was held at China World Hotel. More than 200 experts and scholars from disaster reduction departments, research institutes and tertiary institutions from all over the country came together to discuss disaster reduction and economic development in China. The conference was presided over by Xu Houde, secretary-general of China Disaster Defense Association. Li Gui Xian, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and president of China Disaster Defense Association, opened the conference