在世界科技革命浪潮的猛烈冲击下,档案工作作为知识积累和交流的手段之一,它必将对社会决策和社会经济的发展起到越来越重要的影响和作用。因此,我们要审时度势,有针对性地认真研究探讨档案信息在科学运用、交流领域中的策略,以便我们积极采取措施,大力开发档案信息资源,尽快地适应新形势发展的要求。 档案信息是一种伴随着它所记录的活动一起形成的具有直接性的消息。如果档案是对客观现实的反映,其本质是现实存在,那么,我们从信息的角度来研究档案,就可以把档案储存了大量知识的本质说成信息。这样使我们能够较多地注意档案的内容,而不是它的载体或其它外部形式。档案,是一个国家、一个企业拥有的资源或财富,它以信息的形式反馈应用于社会,将会是社会决策和经济发展的决定力量。
Under the violent impact of the world’s scientific and technological revolution, archival work, as one of the means of knowledge accumulation and exchange, will surely play an increasingly important role in social decision-making and social and economic development. Therefore, we should assess the situation and carefully study and explore the strategy of archival information in the field of scientific application and exchange so that we can take active measures to develop archival information resources and adapt ourselves to the requirements of the new situation as soon as possible. Archival information is a direct message that accompanies the activities it records. If the archive is a reflection of the objective reality, its essence is a reality. Then we study the archives from an informational perspective, and we can say that the essence of a large quantity of stored knowledge of a file is information. This allows us to pay more attention to the contents of the file, rather than its carrier or other external forms. Archives, a country or an enterprise has resources or wealth, and its feedback in the form of information applied to society, will be the decisive force for social decision-making and economic development.