The measurement of the excitation functions for the reaction products of B, C, N, O, F and Ne produced in the dissipative collisions of 19F+27Al have been carried out at China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing. In the measurement, the beam of 19F8+ was provided by the HI-13 tandem accelerator at energies from 110. 25 to 118. 75 MeV in steps of 250 keV. Three sets of△E-E telescope, set at +57°, +31°and -29°,were employed to identify the charge number Z of the fragments.
The measurement of the excitation functions for the reaction products of B, C, N, O, F and Ne produced in the dissipative collisions of 19F + 27Al have been carried out at China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing. In the measurement, the beam of 19F8 + was provided by the HI-13 tandem accelerator at energies from 110. 25 to 118. 75 MeV in steps of 250 keV. Three sets of △ EE telescopes, set at + 57 °, + 31 ° and -29 °, were employed to identify the charge number Z of the fragments.