我们在森林普查过程中,发现凡是有水曲柳母树的地方,在母树的周围都有天然更新的幼树和幼苗.为了揭示水曲柳天然更新的规律,我们选择了不同的迹地类型对水曲柳的天然更新进行了调查研究,现将调查结果归纳一下,以供参考. 一、皆伐迹地水曲柳天然更新的调查标准地选设在一九六○年大面积皆伐,冰雪滑道集材的采伐迹地上.采伐后进行了清烧林场,一九六二年进行了水曲柳的人工更新.标准地位于山下部西坡.上层有桦、柳和山桃,郁闭度达零点四.中层为暴马
In the process of forest census, we found that there are naturally regenerated saplings and seedlings around the mother trees in the places where there is a mother-of-tree, and in order to reveal the natural regeneration rules of the weeds, we chose different types of land for water The natural regeneration of Manchuria was investigated, and the results of the survey are summarized below for reference.Firstly, the survey standard of natural regeneration of Clearwater Manchuria was set in a large area in 1960, Road logging deforestation. After deforestation was cleared forest, artificial regeneration of ash in 1962. The standard is located in the western slope of the lower part of the hill. The upper birch, willow and mountain peach, canopy closure up to Zero four. The middle is violent horse