
来源 :扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whm9903
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为了解江苏省水稻施肥现状及其影响因素,采用农户调查数据和专家田间试验统计数据相结合的方法,实地调研了江苏省30个市(县)水稻肥料施用现状,并通过回归模型探讨影响农户施肥的主要因素。结果表明:苏北、苏中、苏南3个地区分别有57%、55%和54%的农户氮肥施用过量,氮肥生产力偏低。农户人均收入水平和主要劳动力年龄结构对氮肥用量的影响不显著;主要劳动力受教育年限、是否施用有机肥、是否参加过培训和土地所有形式等分别在不同显著水平上影响氮肥的施用。 In order to understand the status of rice fertilization in Jiangsu Province and its influencing factors, the status quo of rice fertilization in 30 cities (counties) in Jiangsu Province was investigated based on the combination of farmer survey data and expert field test statistics. Fertilizer main factor. The results showed that 57%, 55% and 54% of the farmers in three sub-regions of North Jiangsu, Central Jiangsu and South Jiangsu respectively used excessive N fertilizer and the nitrogen fertilizer productivity was low. The per capita income level of farmers and the age structure of main labor force had no significant effect on the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The main labor force affected by years of education, whether or not organic manure was used, whether training had been attended and all forms of land were applied at different significant levels.