一、技术要点 1.选择树势健壮、花量较多的大年树进行。 2.在花序分离期,按20~25cm的间距留一个花序,余者全部疏除。 3.留下的花序只留中心花蕾(注意中心花是否有冻害或发育不全的情况),将边花蕾全部疏除。 4.小型果品种(如国光、鸡冠等)可保留两朵边花。 5.坐果后再根据每株树坐果情况适当调整一下总负载量。 二、优点和效果 1.由于在花前疏除了大量花序和花蕾,所以节省了大量的树体养分,这对剩留花朵提高授粉受精能力,增加果实细胞分裂数目有良好作用。 由于单果重明显增加,一级和特
First, the technical points 1. Choose tree robust, spend more annuals. 2. In the inflorescence separation period, according to the spacing of 20 ~ 25cm leave a inflorescence, the remaining all sparse. 3. Leave the inflorescence leaving only the center of the buds (note the center of the flower is cold damage or hypoplasia), will be all sparse side buds. 4 small fruit varieties (such as Guoguang, cockscomb, etc.) can retain two side flowers. 5. After fruit setting and then adjust the total load according to each tree fruit setting. Second, the advantages and effects 1. As a lot of inflorescence and flower buds sparse, it saves a lot of tree nutrients, the remaining flowers to improve pollination and fertilization ability to increase the number of fruit cell division has a good effect. As the fruit weight increased significantly, a special and special