
来源 :中国临床解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:as33as
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目的通过对颈动脉鞘与颈筋膜关系的解剖观察,探讨对颈动脉鞘的正确认识。方法福尔马林处理的成人尸体标本20具(40侧)。解剖观察构成胸锁乳突肌筋膜后鞘的颈筋膜浅层与颈动脉鞘是否联结、联结的紧密程度;解剖观察颈动脉鞘与颈筋膜中层、椎前筋膜浅层、深层之间的关系、联结的质地与紧密程度。结果颈筋膜浅层与颈动脉鞘相联结,但较疏松,钝性分离可将二者分开;颈筋膜中层由舌骨下肌群各肌肉筋膜鞘汇合后向外侧续行汇入颈动脉鞘前部;椎前筋膜浅层向外侧分为浅、深两层,浅层包绕颈总动脉、颈内静脉和迷走神经,深层不参与构成颈动脉鞘。颈筋膜中层和椎前筋膜浅层与颈动脉鞘的联结质地韧厚,联结紧密。结论颈动脉鞘与颈筋膜各层存在密切的联系,颈筋膜中层和椎前筋膜浅层是构成颈动脉鞘的主体。 Objective To investigate the relationship between the carotid sheath and the cervical fascia and to investigate the correct understanding of the carotid sheath. Methods 20 adult adult cadavers (40 sides) were treated with formalin. Anatomical observation of the sternocleidomastoid fascia posterior fascia superficial cervical fascia and carotid sheath connection, the closeness; anatomy of the carotid sheath and cervical fascia middle, superficial fascia of the anterior, deep The relationship between the texture and the level of closeness. Results The superficial cervical fascia was connected with the carotid sheath, but the loosening and blunt dissection could separate the two. The middle cervical fascia was merged from the musculoteral fascia and sheath of the hypoglossal muscles, Artery sheath anterior; superficial fascia of the anterolateral fascia divided into shallow, deep, shallow superficial carotid artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve, deep does not participate in the formation of carotid sheath. The connection between the superficial cervical fascia and the superficial fascia of the anterior vertebral fossa and the carotid sheath is tough and thick. Conclusion There is a close relationship between the carotid sheath and the various layers of the cervical fascia. The middle cervical fascia and the superficial fascia are the main components of the carotid sheath.