在与EMC联盟以后,戴尔在存储市场上获得巨大成功。据统计,他在与EMC联盟之后,已有超过1500个用户采用DellIEMC的产品。但其竞争对手却对此嗤之以鼻:“戴尔?不就是一个渠道商吗?”在竞争对手的不屑面前,戴尔公司并不认为这是一种耻辱,该公司存储产品亚太区市场总监梁观荣先生说:“戴尔更加关注能为客户带来收益的领域,而仅仅依靠研发通常无法让客户受益。”那么,戴尔对于存储技术到底抱有什么态度?记者特此对梁观荣先生(以下简称“梁”)进行了采访。 eWEEK:对于iSCSI、光纤以及InfiniBand,戴尔怎样看待这三种技术在存储领域中的前景?
After joining with EMC, Dell has had a huge success in the storage market. According to statistics, he has more than 1,500 users with DellIEMC products after EMC alliance. However, its competitors scoff: “Dell is not a channel business?” In front of competitors disdain, Dell does not consider this a shame, the company’s storage products Asia Pacific Market Director Liang Guanrong said: “Dell is more focused on areas that generate revenue for its customers, and relying solely on research and development often fails to benefit customers.” So what’s Dell’s attitude toward storage technology? The reporter hereby asked Mr. Liang Guanrong (the “Beam”) Interview. eWEEK: For iSCSI, Fiber Channel, and InfiniBand, what does Dell think about the future of these three technologies in storage?