侯廷祥——中建二局二公司洛阳经理部副经理。曾先后参加或主持过南京扬子乙稀工程、南京钢铁厂、深圳西部电厂等多次工程的施工,先后荣获“优秀青年突击队队长”、“公司十佳青年”、“优秀团干”、“洛阳市青年岗位标兵”等称号。 1988年孟秋的一天,刚毕业于山西建筑工程学校的侯廷祥来到扬子江畔的南京,开始了他建筑施工生涯的处女工程——扬子乙烯工程的建设。初到工地,他虚心向老技术员、老工人学习,不断积累
Hou Tien Cheung, vice president of Luoyang manager department of the second company of China Construction Second Bureau. He has successively participated in or presided over the construction of numerous projects such as Nanjing Yangtzezi B dilute Project, Nanjing Iron & Steel Plant and Shenzhen Western Power Plant. He has successively won the titles of “Outstanding Youth Commandos Captain”, “Top Ten Young Companies”, “Outstanding League Leader” and “ Luoyang City Youth Post pacesetter ”and so on. One day in Meng Qiu in 1988, Hou Tingxiang, who just graduated from Shanxi Construction School, came to Nanjing on the bank of the Yangtze River to start the construction of the Yangzi Ethylene Project, a virgin project for his construction career. Arrived at the site, he humbly to the old technician, the old workers to learn, continue to accumulate