Fourth, the Kuomintang three short-lived mayor during the reign of the KMT during the reign of Changchun City has five mayors, three candidates, they are: Zhao Jun Mai, Sun Gui Ji, still preaching. Zhao Junmai, the first mayor of Changchun, was on September 5, 1945, sponsored by Chiang Ching-kuo and appeared in Chiang Kai-shek and directly appointed by the Kuomintang Executive Yuan. He served as mayor of Hengyang in Hunan Province, the KMT, Chiang Ching-kuo from Chongqing to Chongqing, every Hengyang, will be Zhao Department, the relationship is tight. When he was mayor of Changchun, Changchun was a municipality under the KMT Executive Yuan and its rank was the same as that of the province. His term is short. April 18, 1946, when the northeast people