我国民诉法关于审前准备程序的规定 ,无论在诉讼理论上和实践中均存在许多弊端 ,因而在以“强化庭审功能 ,实现司法公正”为目标的民事审判方式改革中 ,许多地方采取了“一步到庭”的作法 ,但其效果却事与愿违。实现司法公正的目标不在于取消审前准备程序 ,而是应该借鉴国外成功经验 ,结合我国实际情况 ,构建法官和当事人良性互动的审前准备程序。
The provisions of Civil Procedure Law on pretrial preparation have many drawbacks both in the theory and practice of litigation. Therefore, in the reform of civil trial system which aims at “strengthening the function of courtroom and realizing the judicial fairness”, many localities adopted “One step to court” approach, but its effect is contrary to expectations. The goal of achieving judicial justice is not to cancel the procedure of pre-trial preparation, but to draw on the successful experiences of other countries and combine with the actual conditions of our country to establish a positive pre-trial preparation procedure for judges and their clients.