2009年5月15日,由中国大学生体育协会、中国篮球协会及中视体育联合主办,三六一度(中国)有限公司冠名赞助的2008-09赛季“361中国大学生篮球超级联赛”总决赛第二场在广东工业大学体育馆火热开打。本场比赛凭借本赛季的最有价值球员广东工业大学7号李雪松的出色发挥,带领球队以96比72取得了胜利,以总比分2比0夺取了2008-09赛季361中国大学生篮球超级联赛的总冠军,成功卫冕。本场比赛, 7号李雪松贡献了20分5个篮板,17号沈粤贡献了18分11个篮板。
May 15, 2009, sponsored by the China University Sports Association, the Chinese Basketball Association and China Television Sports jointly sponsored by the 361 (China) Co., Ltd. sponsored the 2008-09 season “361 China University Basketball Super League ” total The final second in the Guangdong University of Sports Stadium opened fire. The game with the most valuable player of the season on the 7th Guangdong University of Technology Li Xuesong outstanding play, led the team to 96 than 72 victory, with a total score of 2 to 0 won the 2008-09 season 361 China University Basketball Super League The championship, successfully defending. The game, Li Xuesong on the 7th contributed 20 points and 5 rebounds, 17 Shen Yue contributed 18 points and 11 rebounds.