桔梗,别名铃铛花、土人参等,为常用大宗药材,有宣肺散寒、祛疫排脓之功效,主治外感咳嗽,咳痰不爽,咽喉肿痛,胸闷腹胀,支气管炎,肺脓疡,胸膜炎等症。桔梗又是药食兼用品种,用桔梗加工的桔梗菜为朝鲜族之名菜,不仅美味可口,而且有医疗保健之功效,社会需求量极大。 桔梗为外贸出口商品,主要销往韩国、日本等国家。中韩建交后,韩国客商便先后来我国产地大量收购鲜桔梗,从而引起我国鲜桔梗价格节节上扬。1994年鲜桔梗收购价仅为每斤
Campanulaceae, alias bell flowers, native ginseng, as the commonly used bulk herbs, Xuanfei scattered cold, quarantine the effect of purulent, attending to exogenous cough, sputum unhappy, sore throat, chest tightness and bloating, bronchitis, lung abscess, Pleurisy embolism. Campanulaceae is also a combination of both medicine and food. Campanulaceae processed with Campanulaceae is a famous dish of the Korean ethnic group. It is not only tasty and delicious, but also has the effect of health care. Campanulaceae for the export of goods, mainly exported to South Korea, Japan and other countries. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, South Korean merchants have successively purchased a large number of fresh bellflower from our country of origin, thus causing the price of fresh bellflower in China to rise steadily. In 1994, the price of fresh Campanula was only pound