Cloning of NHE-1 gene fragment from human lung cancer cells and construction of its antisense expres
【出 处】
To study in vitro the role of cytoskeleton in the mechanisms of stretch-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Methods: After cultured on a deformable membrane, the
Purification and identification of natural antikeratin autoantibody from normal human sera and its e
To purify the natural antikeratin autoantibody (AK auto-Ab) and observe its effects on the proliferation of the cultured keratinocytes. Methods: Natural AK auto
1 引 言rn乳腺癌治疗概念已经从最大可耐受治疗转变为最小有效治疗.从腋窝淋巴结切除(ALND)转变为前哨淋巴结活检(SLNB).如果远处转移的癌细胞已经播散到腋窝淋巴结则乳腺癌
To study the relationship between alkaloids contents in Chinese traditional drug Yimu Cao (the dried aerial parts ofLeonurus artemisia) and its growing environm