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语文教学应聚焦言语,培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力,着力发展言语思维、提升语文素养。然而,当下的语文课堂中,儿童学得被动、学得无趣,学习主体地位缺失的现象依然普遍存在,因而,真实的语文学习往往难以发生。如何才能让儿童真正亲历学习过程,使学习在语文课堂中真实发生呢?通过不断学习、探索、实践,我们提出了“儿童问学课堂”的教学理念。我们追寻和倡导 Chinese teaching should focus on speech, cultivate students’ ability to find and solve problems, and focus on developing speech thinking and improving Chinese literacy. However, in the current Chinese classrooms, children learn passive, uninteresting, and lack of the status of the main body of learning is still widespread, so the real language learning is often difficult to happen. How to make children truly experience the learning process and make learning happen in Chinese class? Through continuous study, exploration and practice, we put forward the teaching concept of “Children’s Learning Classroom”. We pursue and advocate