我是米粥养大的。小时候,母亲天天早起,在火塘上架起一只大鼎锅,划一根火柴点燃锅下的干柴,一般浓烟袅袅升起,旺火伸出长长的舌头舔着锅底,母亲就微笑着去忙别的农活了。我坐在锅边看火,不时往火塘添柴。等到粥煮开了,母亲告诉我,用铁夹把燃烧的柴火夹出来,盖上一层草灰将其熄灭。等到阳光照到窗子的顶部,就可以吃粥了。 一日三餐吃粥,饿坏了身体。一次,我病得快不行了,母亲把我抱进一辆两轮木头车,一颠一颠地把
I am a porridge raised. As a child, my mother got up early every day, set up a big pot in the fire pond, drew a match and lit the dry wood under the pot. The general smoke curled up, and the long tongue stuck to the bottom of the pot and the mother smiled Go busy with other farm work. I sat watching the fire pot, from time to time firewood add firewood. Wait until the porridge boiled, my mother told me to use iron clips to clamp the burning firewood, covered with a layer of grass ash to extinguish it. Wait until the sun shines on the top of the window, you can eat porridge. Eating porridge three meals a day, hungry body. Once, I was almost ill, my mother took me into a two-wheeled wooden car, one by one Britain