某种商品在消费者心中形成某种概念 ,会使企业牢固地占领某个市场 ,但也可能无可挽回地失去某个市场 ,因而怎样在消费者心目中确定有利于企业的概念 ,就成为营销策划的重要课题。概念营销在于更加确切地概括了产品的效能 ,挖掘出了产品更深层次的价值 ,这与消费者更复杂的需求结构相吻合 ,因而应当是企业营销工作引起注意并深入进行研究的工作。
The formation of a concept in the minds of consumers that a firm may occupy a firm market, but may also irretrievably lose a market, and thus how to define in the minds of consumers the notion of profitability as a business Marketing planning an important issue. Concept marketing is to more accurately summarize the effectiveness of the product, dig out the product of a deeper level of value, which is consistent with the more complex consumer demand structure, and therefore should be the business marketing efforts to attract attention and in-depth research work.