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目的研制02Ⅰ型摩托车载超低容量喷雾系统,用于蚊媒病暴发和自然灾害发生时媒介生物紧急控制。方法02Ⅰ型摩托车载超低容量喷雾系统由运载工具、超低容量喷雾器和控制系统3部分组成,效果评价试验在傍晚蚊虫活动高峰期进行,用帐诱法采样,以试验区密度下降率表示试验结果。结果02Ⅰ型摩托车载超低容量喷雾系统机械性能稳定、越野性能强、工作效率高、操作方便。喷洒1%富右旋苯氰菊酯超低容量制剂,用药剂量为5.25L/hm2时,蚊虫密度即时下降率为84%~96%,当剂量增加到6.75L/hm2时,蚊虫密度即时下降率可达100%。喷雾处理24h后,试验区内蚊虫密度即大幅度回升,密度下降率仅为11%~40%,有的试验区部分蚊种甚至恢复到处理前的水平,说明超低容量喷雾野外防治蚊虫没有持效,增加剂量亦不能提高持效作用。结论02Ⅰ型摩托车载超低容量喷雾系统对蚊虫速杀效果好,是蚊媒病暴发以及自然灾害发生时媒介生物紧急控制的有效工具。 OBJECTIVE To develop an ultra-low capacity spray system for 02Ⅰ motorcycle for the emergency control of vector organisms in the outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases and natural disasters. Method 02 I-type ultra-low capacity vehicle containing spray system consists of vehicles, ultra-low volume sprayer and control system composed of three parts, the effect evaluation test carried out at peak mosquito activity in the evening, with account induced sampling, the test area density decline rate that the test result. Results 02Ⅰ motorcycle ultra-low volume spray system with stable mechanical properties, off-road performance, high efficiency, easy to operate. Spraying 1% of ultra-low volumetric formulations of dithiancyrmethrin, the dose of 5.25L / hm2, the instantaneous decline rate of mosquito density of 84% to 96%, when the dose increased to 6.75L / hm2, the mosquito density immediately dropped Rate up to 100%. After 24 hours of spray treatment, the density of mosquitoes in the test area rose sharply, with the density decreasing rate only ranging from 11% to 40%. Some mosquito species even returned to the pre-treatment levels in some experimental areas, indicating that mosquitoes in the ultra-low capacity spray field were not Persistent, increasing the dose can not improve the effect of persistence. Conclusion 02I motorcycle ultra-low volume spray system has good killing effect on mosquitoes and is an effective tool for emergency control of vector organism when mosquito-borne diseases are outbreak and natural disaster occurs.
目的 探讨胫骨-股骨单隧道双束重建前交叉韧带(ACL)的近期临床效果.方法对本组2009年4月至2011年4月收治的46例ACL损伤患者进行胫骨-股骨单隧道双束解剖重建ACL,先后钻取胫骨
目的 介绍全关节镜下高强度线捆绑固定治疗后交叉韧带(PCL)下止点撕脱骨折的手术方法和临床效果.方法 关节镜下常规探查后,通过后内、后外入路将骨块修整、新鲜化后,采用PCL
目的 研究在常规治疗的基础上佐以补锌治疗对轮状病毒性肠炎的疗效和3个月内肠炎发生率的影响.方法 98例患儿,就诊时检测其粪便轮状病毒抗原,明确病因后随机分为两组,补锌组(
通过对湘南3种典型红壤生土连续26 a定位监测.研究了长期不同施肥对豆科作物产量和经济性状的影响.结果表明:不同土壤类型对豆科作物产量影响较大,其中以花岗岩的累计产量最
The extra small virus (XSV) is a satellite virus associated with Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and its genome consists of two overlapping ORFs, CP1
目的 分析河北省艾滋病抗病毒治疗临床效果,服药依从性.方法 通过问卷调查、CD4细胞数和病毒载量的变化评估抗病毒治疗的治疗效果.结果 接受抗病毒治疗的人群中,服药依从性好
目的 观察不同胎龄早产儿听性脑干反应(auditory brainstem response,ABR)的发育变化,并与足月儿比较,为早产儿听力筛查提供依据.方法 2006年2月至2006年7月复旦大学附属儿科