从读者看到的这本第100期《西南航空》杂志,到最初的创刊号, 100期的封面在长长的展架上弥漫成为一道悠长靓丽的风景线。当我走到那本出版于18年前的《西南航空》创刊号跟前时,一种逆时光之流回溯而上的奇特感觉猛然撞击我的心怀,这100期杂志所承载的无数记忆从岁月深处霎时喷涌而出,似乎空中客车A340和波音747巨大的引擎就在耳边轰鸣,那力量撼天动地!
The 100th edition of Southwest Airlines magazine, from the readers’ point of view, to its inaugural issue of the 100th edition, has become a long, beautiful display on the long shelf. When I walked up to the first issue of Southwest Airlines published 18 years ago, a peculiar feeling of retrograde counter-attack suddenly struck my heart. The innumerable memories that these 100 magazines carried over from years to years Department of instant gushing out, it seems that the huge Airbus A340 and Boeing 747 roar in the ears, that shake the sky!