
来源 :法制博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nx002
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婚姻法中包含有伦理性和传统性,这两种特定是婚姻法中所独有的性质,由于这两种性质的影响,婚姻法在立法的过程中,需要根据国家的固有法律、当地的民俗和家庭的生活实施状况,来进行法律的制定,其制定过程一定要符合社会发展的规律,满足时代发展的要求,可以这样说,婚姻法的伦理性与传统性对于婚姻司法以及立法都具有重要的影响作用。本文就婚姻法的伦理性和传统性进行了简要的分析,仅供参考。 Marriage Law contains ethics and tradition. These two kinds of particularities are the unique nature of the Marriage Law. Due to the nature of the two laws, the marriage law in the legislative process needs to be based on the inherent laws of the country, local folk customs and the family The development of the law must comply with the law of social development and meet the requirements of the development of the times. It can be said that the ethics and tradition of the Marriage Law have an important influence on the marriage justice and the legislation . This article has carried on the brief analysis to the ethics and tradition of marriage law, just for reference.
本学期第一次考试,坐在最后一排的小赵时不时东张西望、如坐针毡。起初我以为他身体不适,但经过询问和观察后并未发现他有生病迹象。随后,我趁其不备转到教室后面,正好发现小赵在偷窥同桌的试卷。  我对眼前的这一幕大吃一惊!不过,为顾及孩子的自尊心,我还是抑制内心的怒火,只是用手搭在他的肩膀上以示提醒。事后,我找班干部了解实情才得知,班上这类考试作弊现象并不鲜见。我该采取什么对策,引导孩子们学会诚信?  分