我院采用FAB分型于1975~1983年共诊断58例急性早幼粒细胞白血病(M_3型),现对其中住院的21例的临床特征、诊断治疗进行分析与探讨。 临床资料 58例中男30例,女28例。发病年龄5~64岁。15~45岁者46例,故以青壮年居多。58例治疗前的骨髓相:增生极度活跃30例,明显活跃24例,增生活跃2例,增生低下2例。粒细胞系统增生
In our hospital, FAB typing was used to diagnose 58 cases of acute promyelocytic leukemia (M_3) from 1975 to 1983, and the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of 21 cases were analyzed and discussed. 58 cases of clinical data in 30 males and 28 females. Age of onset 5 to 64 years old. 46 cases of 15 to 45 years old, it is mostly young adults. 58 cases of bone marrow phase before treatment: extremely active hyperplasia in 30 cases, 24 cases were significantly active hyperplasia in 2 cases, hyperplasia in 2 cases. Granulocyte system hyperplasia