繁殖方法 硬枝扦插:春分前后,剪取长约10厘米的一年生健壮枝条作插穗,在切口处蘸上草木灰,稍干后插入盆土中,每盆一枝,深度约4~5厘米。插后浇一次透水,控温在20℃左右,20天后生根发芽。嫩枝扦插:在嫩枝长到6~8片叶子时,取长6~8厘米、具3~4个节的嫩梢,除去基部叶,修平节下并将切口渗出的乳汁用清水浸去。扦插后注意喷雾,防止叶片萎蔫。扦插时,为促进插穗生根,最好用生长激素:如萘乙酸、吲哚乙酸、吲哚丁酸等药剂处理。
Breeding methods Hardwood cutting: Before and after the vernal equinox, annual robust cuttings about 10 cm were cut for cuttings, dipped in ash at the cuttings, and inserted into the peat soil slightly later, one for each pot with a depth of about 4 to 5 cm. After pouring a water infiltration, temperature control at about 20 ℃, 20 days after germination. Softwood cutting: When the shoots grow to 6 to 8 leaves, take 6 to 8 cm long, with 3-4 shoots of young shoots, remove the basal leaves, cut and cut the incision out of the milk with water immersion go with. Pay attention to spray after cutting to prevent the leaves from wilting. Cutting, in order to promote cuttings rooting, it is best to use growth hormones: such as naphthalene acetic acid, indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid and other agents to deal with.