以电子商务为重点 提高武钢智能营销水平

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一、中国钢铁电子商务发展趋势中国钢铁电子商务发展趋势是实现企业间的电子商务活动(BtoB),是一个将买方和卖方以及服务与他们的中间商(如金融机构)之间的信息交换和交易行为集成到一起的电子运作方式。它从根本上改变企业的计划、生产、销售和运行模式甚至改变整个产业社会的基本生存方式。金属产品的性能、规格相对统一,但市场分布较散、交易量庞大,这些特点使其非常适合通过电子商务模式进行交易。据美国著名的摩根斯坦利评估机构预测,虽然目前网上钢铁交易总额只有1.5 I. Development Trend of China’s Iron and Steel E-Commerce The trend of China’s iron and steel commerce is to realize the BtoB among enterprises. It is an exchange of information between buyers and sellers and their intermediaries (such as financial institutions) and services Electronic trading practices integrated together. It fundamentally changed the planning, production, sales and operation of enterprises and even changed the basic way of life of the entire industrial society. The performance and specifications of metal products are relatively uniform, but the market is fragmented and the volume of transactions is huge. These characteristics make them very suitable for trading through e-commerce mode. According to the well-known Morgan Stanley assessment agencies predicted that although the current total online transaction volume of steel is only 1.5
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奥考特·庇代克(Okot p’Bitek)是乌干达著名学者,又是有突出成就的诗人。1982年2月,我旅居这个东非国家的首都坎帕拉,慕名前去拜访。不巧,他出门了。我留个便条,怏怏而返。
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废钢加工设备是与大型电炉相匹配的现代化的生产设备,本文着重介绍了安钢100t电炉废钢加工设备的工艺布置及设备选型、设备规格性能参数等情况。 The scrap processing equi
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昆明冶金研究院“省院省校合作”项目———从硫酸锌溶液中萃取锗技术开发于 2 0 0 0年 1月通过专家验收。从硫酸锌溶液中萃取锗技术开发项目是云南省首批启动的“省院省校合