1例49岁女性患者因上呼吸道感染给予左氧氟沙星0.5 g/d静脉滴注。第3天输注左氧氟沙星过程中,患者突然诉恶心、胸闷、憋气。立即停用左氧氟沙星,给予0.9%氯化钠注射液静脉滴注。随后,出现烦躁、呼吸急促、头痛、哭泣、痛苦呻吟,并诉双上肢麻木肢冷,继而双上肢突然竖起及十指屈曲。给予吸氧、心理疏导、肌内注射地西泮。10 min后患者情绪稳定,呼吸均匀,无胸闷憋气。患者双手接受按摩治疗。10 h后患者逐渐恢复正常。
A 49-year-old female patient received intravenous infusion of 0.5% levofloxacin for upper respiratory tract infection. On the third day of levofloxacin infusion process, the patient suddenly vomit nausea, chest tightness, suffocation. Immediate withdrawal of levofloxacin, given 0.9% sodium chloride injection intravenously. Subsequently, irritability, shortness of breath, headache, crying, moaning pain, and vomiting of upper extremities numbness cold, and then suddenly double upper extremity and ten flexion. Give oxygen, psychological counseling, intramuscular injection of diazepam. After 10 min patients with emotional stability, breathing evenly, without chest tightness, suffocation. Patient’s hands receive massage treatment. After 10 h, the patient gradually returned to normal.