广州人喝的水从哪里来?当然是珠江水。但您是否知道广州人70%的饮用水是来自珠江水系的流溪河。流溪河源头在哪?据有关资料介绍:流溪河发源于从化市街口镇东北53公里的桂峰山。正所谓饮水思源,请问地道的广州人,为保护水源,您花了多少心思,用上多少行动?且看珠江河水污染日益加剧,您有没有几分责任? 李龙英,广东省统计局的一位离休干部,她为珠江的污染现状痛心疾首,萌发了做一名“环保志愿者”自费徒步考察流溪河的念头,
Guangzhou drinking water come from? Of course, the Pearl River water. But did you know that 70% of Guangzhou’s drinking water comes from the Liuxi River in the Pearl River. According to the information on the introduction: Liuxihe originated in Conghua City 53 km northeast of the town of Gui Feng Shan. Is the so-called source of drinking water, I would like to ask authentic Guangzhou, in order to protect the water, how much thought you spent, with how much action? And see the Pearl River water pollution is increasing, you have some responsibility? Li Longying, a retired Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics Cadres, she is the painstaking state of pollution in the Pearl River, germination made an “environmental volunteer” at their own expense on foot examination of the idea of Liuxihe,